
Kindly visit the site and your comment will be an encougagement for me. tnx sunder.thadani

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Health should be the optimum function of spirit, mind, and body, regardless of age. There are many technologies for health today, there are cleansers to rid your body, leaving you feeling down, or out of sorts, and eventually leading to disease. There are alternative computer technologies that will give you an accurate printout of the state of your body and emotions, such as bio-feedback.
Yours comments are most welcome.Best wishes!
Sunder Thadani.


Love, trust, and beauty are choices, decided by you and you alone. Loving yourself first, taking care of the health of your body, mind, and spirit it is one the most important things you can do for yourself. Contrary to popular belief, it is not normal to have headache, allergies, or any of the other complaints advertised on television. Much of our illness comes from inherited emotional and mental patterns that create disease. We also inherit family habits and the same way of taking care of ourselves.
Your comments are always welcome.


There is more to life than increasing the speed, noted Gandhi. In the modern world, we strive for a higher quality of life. We are living a fuller, healthier life. Being true to yourself means trusting your intuition to carve your own unique path. The old paradigm of self-care was that you had to take care of everyone else first and then take care of yourself. This left most of us depleted and resentful. The new paradigm of self-care is to take care of yourself first, and when you have a full cup, it will run over to everyone else.Your comments are most welcome.sunder.thadani.