
Kindly visit the site and your comment will be an encougagement for me. tnx sunder.thadani

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Health should be the optimum function of spirit, mind, and body, regardless of age. There are many technologies for health today, there are cleansers to rid your body, leaving you feeling down, or out of sorts, and eventually leading to disease. There are alternative computer technologies that will give you an accurate printout of the state of your body and emotions, such as bio-feedback.
Yours comments are most welcome.Best wishes!
Sunder Thadani.


Love, trust, and beauty are choices, decided by you and you alone. Loving yourself first, taking care of the health of your body, mind, and spirit it is one the most important things you can do for yourself. Contrary to popular belief, it is not normal to have headache, allergies, or any of the other complaints advertised on television. Much of our illness comes from inherited emotional and mental patterns that create disease. We also inherit family habits and the same way of taking care of ourselves.
Your comments are always welcome.


There is more to life than increasing the speed, noted Gandhi. In the modern world, we strive for a higher quality of life. We are living a fuller, healthier life. Being true to yourself means trusting your intuition to carve your own unique path. The old paradigm of self-care was that you had to take care of everyone else first and then take care of yourself. This left most of us depleted and resentful. The new paradigm of self-care is to take care of yourself first, and when you have a full cup, it will run over to everyone else.Your comments are most welcome.sunder.thadani.

Friday, October 30, 2009 - New Album - New Album


Subject: Lift breakdown.
We never know when and where accidents will happen to us OR people around us. Read on and hope this piece of information may help any of us when things do happen to you, our friends, and our loved ones.
One day, while in a lift, it suddenly broke down and it was falling from level 13 at a fast speed. Fortunately, I remembered watching a TV program that taught you must quickly press all the buttons for all the levels.
Finally, the lift stopped at the 5th level.
When you are facing life and death situations, whatever decisions or actions you make decides your survival.
If you are caught in a lift breakdown, first thought in mind may be 'waiting to die'...
But after reading below, things will definitely be different the next time you are caught in a lift.
First - Quickly press all the different levels of buttons in the lift. When the emergency electricity supply is being activated, it will stop the lift from falling further.
Second - Hold on tight to the handle (if there is any). It is to support your position and prevent you from falling or getting hurt when you lost your balance.
Third - Lean your back and head against the wall forming a straight line. Leaning against the wall is to use it as a support for your back/spine as protection.
Fourth - Bend your knees. Ligament is a flexible, connective tissue. Thus, the impact of fractured bones will be minimized during fall.
For everyone, do send out this piece of information to all! Sunder.thadani at hotmail dot com



India rocks the world. India top global confidence charts.Purchasing PowerIndia 120Taiwan 71Indonesia 118Crech Republic 69Norway 110Turkey 68Vietnam 109France 67Brazil 108Ireland 66your views/comments are requested.Kindly oblige.
Being proactive is among the great virtues of a king. He is the one who initiates conversation. This self-confidence is not about who you are; it is about where the conversation could lead. What if you end up committing to something?Fear of commitment makes us stay put, keeping the hand and the wordsto ourselves.Being proactive is also the number one virtue. This entails taking conscious control over your life, setting your own priorities and goalsand working actively to achieve them rather than waiting passively for opportunities and merely reacting to events outside your control.Can you buck the pressure? Can you, like a real king, create thespace for yourself to decide on your own terms?More important, can you accept the consequences without whining excuses or pointing fingers at others?
Best Wishes!Sunder.thadani at hotmail dot com


whether we lead or we follow, in order to be fulfilled in whatever we do, we need to be intense. Intensity is not an emotion. When you are intense, one part of it may be emotional; Intensity should become a quality in you. If you are talking let intensity is there. In your relationships, in your decisions, in your memory, in your thinking, in your desires, even in your fears. Be intense without escaping from this moment.
Take up something and follow it with full intensity. Intensity does not mean acting rigidly without scope for updating or change. Only when you are open to change you can make your way like the river flowing intensity towards the ocean. Intensity is integration. Intensity is focus. Intensity is sincerity. Be blissful.Sunder.thadani.,,,


Seriousness can be defined as paying undue importance to something, at the cost of everything else. It arises from the inability to see that all of life is just a drama that is unfolding every minute. Seriousness is the result of over-expectation from life.
Seriousness kills spontaneity and destroys creativity. It closes your mind to the openness and freedom of life. It makes you dull and dead. When you perform a task in a relaxed and light manner, your thinking and decision-making capacity is automatically enhanced. The same task when performed in a serious manner dulls your mind. When you do something too seriously and are too concerned about the result. You are not allowing yourself to perform at the optimum level.
We should be sincere and sensitive which means being aware of everything. Understand, being sensitive does not mean being open to everything. Being unable to say `no` does not mean sensitivity. That is actually ego!
We should make plans and think ahead with sincerity, not with seriousness. Seriousness is not the same as sincerity. Sincerity is focusing on the task with enthusiasm and youthfulness while giving your best without worrying excessively about the results! When you are serious, you don’t enjoy, you don’t laugh, how can you laugh when you are serious?
We should understand our uniqueness but this does not mean that we should consider ourselves so special that we start taking ourselves too seriously.


If we look at why most people with money are arrogant we will find it is because of the feeling of independence that money brings. The awareness of dependence on the on the other hand makes one humble.The basic human quality of humility is taken away by a false feeling of independence.
The world is of change; the Self is of no-change. We have to rely on the non-change and accept the change. This is like perceiving the real as unreal and unreal as real. In fact, all miseries are unreal. A wise man knows that happiness is real, as it is our very nature. Unhappiness is unreal because it is inflicted by memory. When we see everything as a dream, then we abide in our true nature-love, joy, and peace. We then understand that money is not all-important. Values, sense of belonging, love, and care are more important... Best Wishes!Sunder.Thadani.,,,

Saturday, August 15, 2009


Today life has become very difficult. Economy is stressing people out, and stress has been linked to a number of illnesses, especially to weight gain. In addition to weight gain associated with financial problems, or a difficult job, woman also added ponds, when grappling with strained family relationships, and feeling limited, by life`s circumstances.
Best wish,
request you to join this group, and contribute. tnx


Life4living.0710India today is the world’s second largest wireless market.India has surpassed the US as the world’s second largest wireless network in the world after China with the addition of 10.16 million wireless subscribers at the end of March, 2008The total number of wireless subscribers stood at 261.09 million at the end of March 2008. India has overtaken the US.Your views, suggestions, or comments are most welcome. Kindly join the group, and contribute content.Best Wishes,
Sunder Thadani
[Your Friend in Mumbai].


Sub: shopping on woman’s minds as much as sex on men’s.A fascinating survey has revealed that most of the young women think about shopping as often as men think about sex. Between the ages 19-45, 74 per cent of them thin abut shopping every minute. While young men think about sex every 52 seconds. Please express your views. [Join this group and contribute something new].Best wishes!


LOVE STORY OF A BLIND GIRL... There was a blind girl who hated herself just because she was blind. She hated everyone, except her loving boyfriend. He was always there for her. She said that if she could only see the world, she would marry her boyfriend. .. One day, someone donated a pair of eyes to her and then she could see everything, including her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her, "now that you can see the world, will you marry me?" The girl was shocked when she saw that her boyfriend was blind too, and refused to marry him. .. Her boyfriend walked away in tears, and later wrote a letter to her saying..... "Just take care of my eyes dear." I’ll always love you forever... **True Love Is God**Best wishes!


Happiness does not happen to us, it happens by us. Know that each of us is the creator of our own thought s and state of mind. This does not mean ignoring the often, painful reality of what happens, but understanding that you can change choose your response to something at any given moment. You can choose between forever brooding on an unhappy childhood, or focusing on healing and moving on.Happiness is called upon and cultivated, involving unlearning as much as learning.Happiness, at its core, is about discovering meaning, and counting your blessings, not your woes.Happiness grows in nurturing relationships.Happiness then is simply about saying a heartfelt “yes” to all of life; to more positive emotions, to more engagement, to more meaning and purpose, to more caring relationships.Best Wishes! 4living


We invite pain upon ourselves. We may not be able to believe this but every single pain we experience in life is invited by u. It is just like inviting guest to our house, calling them again and again, but when they finally arrive we say we were not expecting them. We invite pain and disease upon ourselves with our immoderate habits and stressful lifestyles, and then forge all about it and complain later when disease happens.
Again and again, we share what we create. If wealth is created out of a pain body it will be transferred with the pain body along with the wealth to the next generation. Wealth should be created just out o a relaxed and bliss mod. Then the wealth can be enjoyed by the person it is passed on to.Your views and comments are most welcome.Best Wishes!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Most often, people get bored when they are weighted down by tasks that they don`t like, or don`t want to do.
Best thing is to make boredom a rejoicing, a time to think, plan, introspect, and come out with brilliant workable ideas, reconnect with others and with yourself, instead of fretting and fuming, and generally making yourself and those around you miserable, with your continuous lamenting.
Feeling bored is also a choice-no one is stopping you from going ahead and doing all those things that could make your life interesting or exciting, except yourself.
Your views, and comments are most welcome.
Sunder Thadani.


The memory of the catheter winding its way silently up an artery, brings to mind the words of a Swami,
“we are the most educate and affluent people in human history. We can replace one person`s heart with another, we can fly people to other planets, and we can send tiny cameras into people organs to inspect them from within.
We live in two different worlds simultaneously. Here we can mentioned about inner world or second world. It is called the inner work. It works on “being”. It does not give much information in the usual sense, but it empowers in the us. It turns a weak person into a strong one.
If you like it please pass on to your friends. Your views, suggestion or comments are most welcome.
Sunder ThadaniHttp://


Being busy is easier than not. Most people at work cannot admit that a fragmented day is actually the laziest day, the day that requires the least mental discipline and the most nervous energy.
Most people at work can overcome their habitual fire fighting. To do so, however, they must first clear the belief that they are indispensable.
It is advisable that one must develop a clear personal agenda. That means coming up with a precise idea of what one want to achieve in the job. One should practice slow management; reduce, priorities, and organize demands. Purposeful management, by contrast, mean that one examines what one choose to be or not do.
Best wishes!sunder.thadani[maninmumbai]


Indian `nature`s best friends`That cold water bath many Indians have because there`s no electricity…that `matka they use because they can`t afford a fridge… and the long walk they take to work and back because private transport is expensive and public transport shoddy. There`s an upside to hard life.
Indians may be green with envy at the consumption-driven lifestyle in the west, but their own frugal ways and modest means have catapulted them to the top spot in the world`s Green index, making them the friendliest denizens on Planet Earth.
Indian are the most frequent consumers of self-grown food, with 35% eating what they grow several times a week or daily. Desis are also the least frequent consumers of beef, which requires greater energy to grow- only 22% consume beef weekly compared to an average of 63% for the 17 countries survey by the National Geographic Society.
Best Wishes! at yahoo dot com: [kindly fwd to your friends]. Thanks


In India you don't have to worry about food as you can stop at any roadside stall and can eat whatever you want but again you cannot have that every day. You always need homemade food. Most of the collegians and bachelors know the importance of Tiffin. Tiffin is an An Anglo Indian name for a meal is called Tiffin. Whether it’s a in-between-meals for Tamilian, light lunch prepared for working men by their wives or lunches packed by parents for children attending school. A common approach is to put rice in one box, dal in another and yet other items in the third or fourth. The other items could be breads, such as naan, vegetable curry and finally a sweet. We used to wait for the Tiffin during our college time.How you feel about it now.Your views, or comments are most welcome.Sunder Thadanimaninmumbai.


Blogzsunder.0523India is the most fantastic of lands. Here everything grows in profusion but nothing really flourishes. Sooner or later – rather sooner than later – dry-rot sets in.What I mean to say is that the fruits of India appear wonderful.So tempting, that they make one frantic, to have them. Yet, when tasted, they are found to be without savour.Why this so? To answer this questing properly, an attempt must be made at self-analysis. Here it is tried to look at India –barring the primitive tribes and the peasantry, who demand and deserve separate studies from two points of view, from within and from without. Tagore rightly put, "those I love have a right to chastise".Best Wishes, Sunder,,,


Blogzsunder.0523India is the most fantastic of lands. Here everything grows in profusion but nothing really flourishes. Sooner or later – rather sooner than later – dry-rot sets in.What I mean to say is that the fruits of India appear wonderful.So tempting, that they make one frantic, to have them. Yet, when tasted, they are found to be without savour.Why this so? To answer this questing properly, an attempt must be made at self-analysis. Here it is tried to look at India –barring the primitive tribes and the peasantry, who demand and deserve separate studies from two points of view, from within and from without. Tagore rightly put, "those I love have a right to chastise".Best Wishes, Sunder,,,


Blogzsunder blogzsunderLeadership by definition is a multifaceted term. Are you managing yourself, are you managing upwards or the people below or laterally, or the firm, industry, society? You can lead at so many levels.
What separates true leaders from the merely capable is flexibility in leadership styles in order to meet challenges of the global economy, rapid commoditization, and hyper competitive environments.Sunder Thadani kindly visit and please comment.


blogzsunderLeadership by definition is a multifaceted term. Are you managing yourself, are you managing upwards or the people below or laterally, or the firm, industry, society? You can lead at so many levels.What separates true leaders from the merely capable is flexibility in leadership styles in order to meet challenges of the global economy, rapid commoditization, and hyper competitive environments.Sunder Thadani kindly visit and please comment
best wishes,


Here are some simple steps you can take to join with the millions still living in poverty in advocacy for change.
Spread the Word
Promote Justice-based Social Policies
Promote Understanding
SPREAD THE WORD: Begin by talking directly with poor and low-income people, especially those involved in self-help, community-based organizations (learn about groups in your local region.. Learning about their lives, the challenges they wrestle with, and the solutions they are working toward will strengthen any other advocacy you participate in. Share what you discover with those you know - and consider what more you can do to work with them.
Write a letter to your local newspaper, alerting the editors to the information you've learned about poverty, and what is being done to eliminate it. Refer to a related issue currently being discussed in your local newspaper or media, and include poverty statistics pertaining to your region or state.
Ask local reporters to cover the state of poverty in your community and the positive steps being taken to help those in need. Point them to the facts and figures contained in this Web site for background information.
Submit an article to the newsletter published by your church, synagogue, mosque or house of worship about poverty in your community, and about successful initiatives that are bringing long-term results. Learn more by reading about successful local efforts.
PROMOTE JUSTICE-BASED SOCIAL POLICIES: Follow local politics, and tell your local elected officials that you support policies aimed at permanent solutions to poverty in your community and your nation. Time and again, letter-writing campaigns have demonstrated that, when people combine their energies in a single purpose, the results are magnified.
Organize a letter writing campaign through your local faith community about an issue of local concern. If you volunteer or work with a charitable service organization, suggest that others who participate in that work get involved in advocacy on the issues that keep people trapped in a cycle of poverty.
Question candidates on their plans to address poverty in your state and nation, vote your conscience -- and hold politicians to their promises if elected.
Attend or help organize neighborhood meetings and public hearings and give testimony on programs and policies affecting low-income families in your community, sharing information you've learned about.PROMOTE UNDERSTANDING: Become a personal advocate for and with those living in poverty by developing more compassion in the way you talk to others about the reality of poverty in America. Such small changes, when multiplied, can lead to larger changes in the way society sees and treats people experiencing poverty.
Help those directly affected by proposed legislation to get involved. Through your local coalition, mobilize the very people experiencing poverty to contact officials at all levels of government. Volunteer to help with a registration drive in your local community.


Recession –boon or burst.With a economic downturn, overhaul incomes, consumer spending and capital expenditures fall, but not to the same degree for all the individuals.During this recession, several lost their jobs, so they weren’t risking steady employment –and they were able to hire employees who didn`t have great job prospects on the cheap. Suppliers were willing to wait to be paid. And even though the old economy and the rust belt was in deep slump, the personal computer was taking off, and with it opportunities not only for new hardware and software makers, but also for retailers, resellers and even magazine publishers.
What were the worst of times for the economy as a whole for the turned out to be one of the best times for resourceful and opportunistic entrepreneurs.Best Wishes!Sunder Thadani sunder360 at yahoo dot com

Sunday, May 24, 2009


This video clip show my work place [I work from home in Mumbai, India]

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Recession –boon or burst.
With a economic downturn, overhaul incomes, consumer spending and capital expenditures fall, but not to the same degree for all the individuals.During this recession, several lost their jobs, so they weren’t risking steady employment –and they were able to hire employees who didn`t have great job prospects on the cheap. Suppliers were willing to wait to be paid. And even though the old economy and the rust belt was in deep slump, the personal computer was taking off, and with it opportunities not only for new hardware and software makers, but also for retailers, resellers and even magazine publishers.
What were the worst of times for the economy as a whole for the turned out to be one of the best times for resourceful and opportunistic entrepreneurs.
Best Wishes!
Sunder Thadani.



Friday, May 8, 2009


Have you ever wondered?
Why Germany is the home base for so many world`s leading makers of printing presses, luxury cars, and chemicals?
Why is tiny Switzerland the home base for international leaders in pharmaceuticals, chocolate, and trading?
Why Sweden, the leader in heavy trucks and mining equipment,
Why Americans produce the preeminent international competitors in personal computers, software, credit cards, and movies?
What makes Japanese firms so dominants in consumer electronics, cameras, robotics, and facsimile machines?
Your answer will be appreciated
Best Wishes!
Kindly visit: