
Kindly visit the site and your comment will be an encougagement for me. tnx sunder.thadani

Saturday, August 15, 2009


We invite pain upon ourselves. We may not be able to believe this but every single pain we experience in life is invited by u. It is just like inviting guest to our house, calling them again and again, but when they finally arrive we say we were not expecting them. We invite pain and disease upon ourselves with our immoderate habits and stressful lifestyles, and then forge all about it and complain later when disease happens.
Again and again, we share what we create. If wealth is created out of a pain body it will be transferred with the pain body along with the wealth to the next generation. Wealth should be created just out o a relaxed and bliss mod. Then the wealth can be enjoyed by the person it is passed on to.Your views and comments are most welcome.Best Wishes!

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